During the fifteenth century Valencia became one of the cultural and financial hubs of the Mediterranean

The last decades of the XV century coincide in Valencia with personalities of such prestige as the Borgias, the king Alfonso V or high-calibre writers like Ausias March or Joanot Martorell. A lively flourishing Valencia nourished by its economy and outstanding architecture will become a focal point for European merchants. The splendour of Valencia meets the consolidation of the House Trastamara and its direct support to the bourgeois class, preserving their rights as they had been granted by James I. After various conflicts within the Kingdom of Aragon Valencia is elected by the court as an economic center, turning it into an intellectual and social focus of the XV century. Our Golden Age fulfills the expansion of the crown of Aragon in the Mediterranean, the introduction of new crops, the consolidation of a pulsating trade based on silk or the exquisiteness of the Valencian literature. This high-flying time will end with the discovery of America.